Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blog Life

I believe the most optimal use for a blog that I would very much utilize for is personal writing. I believe that personal writing is very powerful. The information that one can express when having gone through a personal situation, is more valuable than any other kind of writing. My conscience tells me I’m a better writer when I’m writing from experience. When you spill out your heart, everything is out. Every little thought, every judgement, every emotion. When writing about an emotional experience of mine, compared to another person wirting about that same experience yet not having gone through it, its obvious to know whose writing will be betterand deeper. Teens of such indulge and escape reality while composing. Even those who are not powerful scripter’s will surprise themselves.
Another thing I’d like to write about is music, fashion and friends. Pretty much anything that entertains teens. After watching a spontaneous movie, I would always go and tell my friends every little detail of it. While shopping I would find lots of fantastic clothing. Advicefrom my friends on whether I should buy it or not is a great help. Friends are like a nother part of you. They help you get to where you want to go.

1 comment:

Annu said...

Wow!, that is a great opinion amandeep. I think those are really good ideas and very well expressed. I completely agree with you writing about our emotions and feelings is a great way to express ourselves, and it is very powerfull.