Everyone finds an interesting list entertaining and it catches my attention. A list gives people others’ opinions and it displays the top most of anything. It can also be deceiving because everyone has their own opinion to display. It can be a negative way of writing, as well, because it can put negative thoughts in ones’ mind for something they believed to be the best. I chose to do top ten cities to visit in the world because I’m very fond of traveling and fascination comes upon me very quickly while experiencing life in different communities. The difference in their unique living styles, decilicious food and compelling language is very exciting to experience. It is extremely important to travel and set eyes on a different ambiance.
Top Ten Cities to Visit on Earth
1) Singapore
2) Paris
3) Rajasthan
4) Venice
5) London
6) New York
7) Honolulu
8) Egypt
9) Mexico
10) Dubai
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